This adhesion is a key step in Nova Austral´s reconstruction process and demonstrates its transformation and commitment to operate with the highest sustainability standards.

August 30, 2021. Nova Austral has officially joined the Global Compact Network Chile, becoming the second salmon company in the country and the first Magellanic company to join this initiative of the United Nations Organization (UN), which stands out as the largest sustainability organization in the World and for promoting the 2030 Agenda and the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

With this incorporation, Nova Austral is committed to integrating the 10 Universal Principles promoted by the Global Compact in human rights, environment, labor relations, and anti-corruption into its strategy and all of its operational processes and states that its sustainability efforts will be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Therefore, this is a key step in the company´s reconstruction process, which in recent times has developed numerous initiatives that seek to operate with the highest standards of sustainability, environmental responsibility, and good practices in the industry.

Among these initiatives, it is important to highlight that in 2020 Nova Austral developed a compliance department led by a new manager, who has vast experience in companies listed in the Stock Exchange, has established numerous improvements in its internal controls, such as the new complaints channel or the certification of the crime prevention model; and recently has published the first the company´s Sustainability Report. Because of the above, Nova Austral has obtained the BAP certification and regained the ASC certification, the most demanding in the industry at an international level, for several of its crop’s centers.

“We are very pleased and proud to be part of a network of business leaders, such as the Global Compact, which encourages sustainable development. At Nova Austral we are strongly committed to being an active actor in this matter and we hope that this relationship will be a great tool to continue promoting concrete initiatives to advance towards the highest standards of sustainability and respond to the commitment we have made with our customers, suppliers, shareholders, the communities, regulators, and the industry in general”, says Nicolás Larco, general manager of Nova Austral.

“The incorporation of Nova Austral into the Global Compact Network Chile is undoubtedly a demonstration of the company’s genuine interest in advancing in sustainability, contributing to the objectives set out in the 2030 Agenda and incorporating the ten principles of the organization. The salmon industry has great challenges, especially in environmental matters. So, the Nova Austral´s experience, being a company in the most southern region of the country, will allow them to share lessons learned and expand their knowledge in the different areas promoted by the organization”, emphasizes Margarita Ducci, executive director of the United Nations Global Compact Chile Network.

About Global Compact Chile

Global Compact is the world’s largest business sustainability organization, and the only United Nations initiative mandated to promote the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In Chile, it has more than 100 partner companies committed to its Sustainable Development, helping to promote the changes necessary to generate value through its working groups and participation in international programs. More information at