The accreditation, provided by an independent entity, is valid for two years and reflects the company’s efforts to raise its compliance standards to the maximum.
January 29, 2021.- Nova Austral and its subsidiaries achieved to certify their crime prevention model for two years, implemented under Law No. 20,393 on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities. The certification was delivered by MC Compliance, an independent firm registered with the Financial Market Commission from Chile (CMF).
The certification guarantees that the company has implemented and operates the model, which includes 12 crimes: bribery of a national or foreign public official; money laundering; financing of terrorism; receiving; corruption among individuals; unfair administration; incompatible negotiation; misappropriation; crimes classified as extractive activities without aquaculture concession, in areas of management and exploitation of benthic resources; management of hydrobiological resources in a collapsed or overexploited situation, or derived products, without proving their legal origin; contamination of bodies of water; and management of closed hydrobiological resources.
“This certification demonstrates Nova Austral’s is faithful committed to raising its standards of compliance and respect for the environment to the highest level. This is a process that we have been applying with celerity for more than a year,” said Nicolas Larco, Chief Executive Officer of Nova Austral, who added that the company aims to be “leaders in good practices in the salmon industry.”
On the other hand, Patricio Eguiguren, executive director of MC Compliance, highlighted “the effort made by Nova Austral to ensure good business practices in all areas of its operation and integrate ethics into its strategic management.”
For Nova Austral, the benefits generated by implementing a model of this type are to consider the compliance area as part of the business, allowing the production of high-quality salmon to be supported by the highest ethical standards.
Accordingly, the company recently implemented a free-access Whistleblowing Channel on its website, managed by a third independent entity, to reinforce internal controls. This tool guarantees anonymity and confidentiality to those who communicate that they know or suspect any activity carried out by an employee or person linked to Nova Austral that could violate laws, regulations, codes, internal policies, or ethical principles.